A | characters of the input data cards |
ABAP | backscattering phi plane angle for plotting |
ABAT | backscattering theta plane angle for plotting |
ABIP | bistatic scattering phi plane angle for plotting |
ABIT | bistatic scattering theta plane angle for plotting |
ACSP | absorption cross section for phi polarization |
ACST | absorption cross section for theta polarization |
AFFP | far-zone phi plane angle for plotting |
AFFT | far-zone theta plane angle for plotting |
AM | radius of the thin wire of the structure |
BM | outer radius of the dielectric shell of the insulation of the wire |
C | elecments of the open-circuit impedance matrix |
CG | branch currents for the structure |
CGD | cosh gd for a given segment |
CJ | loop currents for the structure |
CMM | conductivity of the wire |
D | length of a given segment |
ECSP | extinction cross section for phi polarization |
ECST | extinction cross section for theta polarization |
EFF | radiation efficiency |
EP | loop currents induced by a phi polarized wave |
EPP | phi-polarized far-zone field of the dipole mode |
EPPS | scattered electric field in the phi direction due to a phi polarized wave |
EPTS | scattered electric field in the theta direction due to a phi polarized wave |
EP2 | complex permittivity of insulation |
EP3 | complex permittivity of ambient medium |
EP4 | complex permittivity of ground |
ERR | EP4/EP3 |
ER2 | relative dielectric constant of insulation |
ER3 | relative dielectric constant of the ambient medium |
ER4 | relative dielectric constant of the ground |
ET | loop current induced by a theta polarized wave |
ETA | intrinsic impedance of the ambient medium |
ETPS | scattered electric field in the phi direction due to a theta polarized wave |
ETT | theta polarized far-zone field of the dipole mode |
ETTS | scattered electric field in the theta direction due to theta polarized wave |
EX | near-zone electric field in the x direction |
EY | near-zone electric field in the y direction |
EZ | near-zone electric field in the z direction |
E0 | 8.854E-12 (permitivity of free space) |
FHZ | frequency in hertz |
FMC | frequency in Megahertz |
GAM | intrinsic propagation constant of the ambient medium |
GG | time-average input power |
GPP | power gain associated with the phi polarized component |
GTT | power gain associated with the theta polarized component |
HGT | height of the structure above the ground plane |
IA | first node of a given segment |
IB | second node of a given segment |
IBISC | indicator for bistatic scatter calculations |
ICARD | indicator for the data cards |
ICJ | dimension corresponding to the number of simultaneous linear equations |
IFLAG | indicator for program termination |
IGAIN | igain indicator for antenna gain calculations |
IGRD | indicator for the presence of the ground plane |
INC | indicator for the type of far-zone calculations |
INEAR | indicator for near-zone calculations |
INM | dimension corresponding to the number of monopoles |
INT | number of integration steps |
ISC | indicator for the insulation |
ISCAT | indicator for backscatter calculations |
IWR | indicator for current distribution output |
I1 | endpont node of a given dipole |
I12 | indicator for auxiliary matrix |
I2 | terminal node number of a given dipole |
I3 | endpoint node number of a given dipole |
JA | first segment number of a given dipole |
JB | second segment number of a given dipole |
KFLAG | print indicator |
KGEN | list of generator/feed locations |
LOAD | indicator for structure load |
LZD | list of impedance/load locations |
MAX | maximum of the number of segments connected to any one given node |
MD | list of dipoles sharing a given segment |
MIN | minimum of the number of segments that connected to any one given node |
MSG | indicator for error printout |
N | number of simultaneous linear equations |
ND | total number of dipoles sharing a given segment |
NGEN | indicator for antenna calculations |
NM | number of segments |
NPL | indicator for polar plotting |
OMEGA | angular frequency |
PH | phi angle for far-zone calculations |
SCSP | scattering cross section for phi polarization |
SCST | scattering coross section for theta polarization |
SGD | sinh gd of a given segment |
SIG2 | conductivity of insulation |
SIG3 | conductivity of the ambient medium |
SIG4 | conductivity of ground |
SPPM | echo area phi incident-phi scattered wave |
SPTM | echo area phi incident-theta scattered wave |
STPM | echo area theta incident-phi scattered wave |
STTM | echo area theta incident-theta scattered wave |
TD2 | loss tangent of the insulation |
TD3 | loss tangent of the ambient medium |
TH | theta angle for far-zone caculations |
TP | 2p (6.26318) |
U0 | 1.2566e-6 |
VG | antenna complex driving voltages |
VOLT | list of VG's |
X | x-coordinate of each node |
XNP | list of XP's |
XP | x-coordinate for near-zone calculations |
Y | y-coordinate for each node |
YNP | list of YP's |
YP | y-coordinate for near-zone calculations |
Y11 | complex power input |
Z | z-coordinate of each node |
ZLD | complex load at a given node |
ZLLD | list of ZLD's |
ZNP | list of ZP's |
ZP | z-coordinate for near-zone calculations |
ZS | surface impedance of the wire |
Z11 | antenna input impedance |
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Last modified on: 3 Nov 2007