--------- Instructions as of 20111105 ---------- Convert USFM format the WordML using the WordSend Program (To get the Wordsend program to work I had to install the .NET version 2 runtime framework -- the version 4 did not work; also the file "sfminfoold.xml" had to be copied from C:\Program Files\SIL\WordSend into the directory C:\Program Files and renamed to "sfminfo.xml") -- use options to use drop cap chapter number -- do not include the markers for chapter 1 -- do not include the markers for verse 1 -- suppress indent after drop cap -- automatic drop cap size Opened the XML file in MS Word. Constructed the Table of Contents first. Save as a __.doc file Open the Style and Formatting Window Change to single column Format --> Columns --> One --> OK *** Save a copy to PsalmsFlat.doc and delete everything that isn't the book of Psalms *** to work separately if needed remove red text: find the red letter "Words of Jesus" then modify the style in the Style window to change the color back to "automatic" Eliminate the large Chapter numbers (except for Psalms) Select large chapter number (the same style was not used exactly throughout the whole document but the same font size was so find all text with the font size) Use the find and replace to find all of that font size and replace with nothing Modify the style for the first line of a new chapter to be indented the same as all other first lines of paragraphs. Also set "keep with next" Eliminate the verse markers - Change the verse marker style (and only the verse marker style) to have a font size of 1.5 - then use the search and replace to eliminate everything with font size of 1.5 -- Use Find and Replace with the "More" option -- Select Format -> Font -> size 1 (only this don't touch the other boxes at all) -- Start at the top of the document and do a "Find Next" then "Replace" and if successful then "Replace All" Add a space and a carriage return after the last verse of revelation. Move the cursor to an example of "Poetry 1" and modify the style to be Left Indent 1.3" with 2 points of space *before* the first line; Right Indent 0.5" - check "don't add space between paragraphs of same style" *** also for "Poetry 1" select "Keep with next" Move the cursor to an example of "Poetry 2" and modify the style to be Left Indent 1.6" with 2 points of space *After* the last line - check "don't add space between paragraphs of same style" for Poetry 2 do ** not ** have "keep with next" selected Go to a Book Title and set 12 points after Go to Psalms and find a Psalm with a hebrew title (such as Psalm 48) select the style and modify to center the alignment of the text with space after 6 points and set to underline. May sure "keep with next is checked" and "Don't add space between paragraphs of same style" Go to a Psalm Label (Psalm Chapter) and modify style to have 24 points space before Create a new style called KeepTogetherNormal based on the Normal style except "keep with next" and "keep lines together" are selected. Apply this style to all lines after the Psalm Chapters so that the chapter titles stay with some text. Reformatted footnote text to Times Roman 8 and the footnote reference to be italic rather than bold Changed the Chapter "Book Title 1" style to be a type of Header 3 so that the file would be arranged in outline style by sections. **** Psalms BOOK I BOOK II etc change style name to "Psalm Book" made heading level 4 add 24 point space before -- then moved them in front of the Psalms chapter number to create the proper hierarchy -- move the KeepTogetherNormal lines to their appropriate location after the chapter number Add Section Break Pages for Old and New Testaments with formated to appear in Table of Contents Reformat Table of Contents Select text in Lamentations and turn * off * the "keep with next" Go through and make sure each book starts on an odd page number by adding a page break as necessary at the end of the prior book. ______________________________________ ____________________ __________ --- Instructions as of 20110402 ----- Use WEB bible RTF format Open in Word Save as *_flt.rtf in desired directory Open the Style and Formatting Window Change to single column Format --> Columns --> One --> OK remove red text: select all text - select font - select font color "automatic" and underline color "automatic" Eliminate the large Chapter numbers (except for Psalms) Select large chapter number Then use the "select all" in the "Style and Formatting" Window Delete Reformat paragraphs that are "first line 0" to "Normal" Place cursor in the first line of the actual text and then use the "select all" in the "Style and Formatting" Window Get rid of verse numbers and footnotes Use Find and Replace with the "More" option Select "Use Wildcards" Select Format -> Font -> Superscript (only check the Superscript box, don't touch the other boxes at all) Place an asterisk * in the "Find" box and leave the replace box blank. Start at the top of the document and do a "Find Next" then "Replace" and if successful then "Replace All" Modify the Normal style not to have any space before the first line of the paragraph. Move the cursor to an example of "Poetry 1" and modify the style to be Indent 1" with 2 points of space *before* the first line - check "don't add space between paragraphs of same style" *** also for "Poetry 1" select "Keep with next" Move the cursor to an example of "Poetry 2" and modify the style to be Indent 1" with 2 points of space *After* the last line - check "don't add space between paragraphs of same style" Add centered Page number at bottom. for Psalms reformat the Psalm title text from "Psalm title + left" to just "Psalm title" and modify to "keep with next" ---- Old Instructions ----------------------------- Change to single column Delete all the oversized Chapter number -- this is done by: Make the styles and types visible. Select one of the chapter numbers; use the style selector to select all of the same style then hit delete. remove red text: select all text - select font - select font color "automatic" and underline color "automatic" modify the normal style to that it doesn't have 12 point spacing before each paragraph -- change to 3 point before In styles find a paragraph that isn't indented (the beginning of chapters) - this will be a style called "first line 0" - select all text with that style and change to the normal style Select Poetry 1 and modify the style to indent from left 1 inch and 3 points before each paragraph remove all footnotes remove all superscripts ___________________________ If it is desired to keep the footnotes but eliminate the superscript verse numbers then follow this procedure: Remove the :00 portions of times in footnotes like 5:00 P.M. becomes 5 P.M. (this is necessary to stop the procedure that removes the leading chapter-colon-verse numbers in the footnotes from removing the time also) find: :00 (note space at end) and replace with a space Remove the chapter verse references to which the footnote refers (<[0-9]@>):(<[0-9]@>) < find all verse references that occur in a footnote that start before the first word Remove all the superscript verse numbers -- but first preserve the footnotes -- this is done by: selecting the number in a footnote; on the style selector modify the style -> change font to subscript. Delect all the superscript verse numbers -- this is done by: using the * wild card in the search and replace and setting the font type to "superscript" -- replace with blank Restore the footnotes to superscript -- this is done by: selecting the number in a footnote; on the style selector modify the style -> change font to superscript