Ray and Eric's Day Hike Monday, 9 February 2004

Weavers Loop Picture Series - Superstition Mountain Wilderness Area, Arizona

Picture 601, 603 Time: 1835 MST

Junction of Bluff Springs Trail (Trail #235) and Dutchman's Trail (#104) mere feet from the Peralta Trailhead Parking Lot

img_4601.jpg 4.81 K What it looked like to the eye.

img_4603.jpg 233.51 K

Note the time jump of 53 minutes from the last picture. This junction is just several yards from the Peralta Trailhead parking lot. The sun set at 1806 MST (6:06 p.m.) or 29 minutes previously. There was just enough light left to see the trail but 10 more minutes and we would have been in trouble.  

I had to use the light on my watch to sign out the trail book at 1838 MST (6:38 p.m.).

<<-- previous photo on trail || next photo on trail -->>



bluff2shadnum.jpg 84.93 K bluffsprtrl.jpg 63.26 K peralta1.jpg 73.54 K


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Copyright (c) Ray L. Cross 2004