Ray and Eric's Day Hike Monday, 9 February 2004

Weavers Loop Picture Series - Superstition Mountain Wilderness Area, Arizona

Picture 595 Time: 1725 MST

Bluff Springs Trail (Trail #235) Southeast of Weavers Needle

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Looking back to the Northwest from Trail #235 at what I believe is the side canyon that we had got lost in. The presumed "lost" canyon is the one with the line of trees going up into it in the center of the picture. When I was trying to decide whether we were actually lost or not I had climbed down the gorge just far enough to see the that the ground dropped away rapidly amongst big boulders in the trees. I had also seen the trail (from which the present picture was taken) across the valley from where I was sitting in the canyon. The point that I had stopped at was probably just out of sight to the right a bit in this picture. I wish now that I had taken a picture from over there. Yes, that is Weavers Needle sticking up behind everything else in the center of the picture (but much further away).  

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Copyright (c) Ray L. Cross 2004